The Raven King by Maggie Steifvater

The Raven King (The Raven Cycle, Book 4) - Maggie Stiefvater

I'm just a wee bit disappointed with the ending of this series. It was a bit..overwhelming is probably the best word. It was all go go go, it was just at such a rate of go that the depth of the characters and their journey together had been so prominent in the previous books was only touched on and hinted at in this one. Was it a satisfying ending though? Yes and yes. And Yes. Two particular endings especially. You know what I'm talking about if you've read it. You know.


Anyhoo. Read this series. It's worth the ride, even when the ride gets a little overwhelming. Overwhelming can still be all kinds of fun.






PS.  School still sucks every bit of free time in life but I'm on my 2 week break before the summer starts.  Bring on all of the books.